Not for free, obviously but gun laws are too strict in about 80% of the country and 90% of the Western world. Right now it’s mostly bad guys who have guns. Good guys need them too. This will help prevent crime.
The drug war is a failure. Take away the profits from drugs and you take away gangs and soon prisons are losing their best customers.
We have strayed from a merit-based immigration policy and have replaced it with open borders. We need to build a wall and encourage assimilation. No more Spanish schools or Chinese schools. Everyone speaks English and patriotism is encouraged.
Right now we have incentivized single mothers. This has shattered families, especially poor families. Stop rewarding single mothers for leaving their husbands and we get the family back. With fathers comes discipline and employment. With jobs comes less crime. Stop political correctness and lets get back to the basics!
The West has thrived with the checks and balances open discussion provides. Without it, fascism thrives. We need to fight for free speech not just against the government but against the people who want to shut it down. We are now policing ourselves worse than Big Brother. That needs to stop. Free speech includes all speech – good and bad – and a huge part of this brotherhood is making sure nobody is prevented from speaking. This is arguably our most important cause.
Proud Boys are encouraged to put a ring on it and knock her up. We need to make more Proud Boys. The young are encouraged to sow their wild oats but as we get older, committing to a family becomes more and more important.
With the family, comes a deep respect for the housewife. We push back against the feminist notion that shaping human lives is somehow “selling out.” We see housewives as sentient beings who have an incredible gift. Love your wife as Christ loved the Church!
Western liberalism scoffs at the rich and those who put it all on the line to improve our lives. We recognize the incredible sacrifice this takes and we are in awe of all the great entrepreneurs throughout history who got us here.
This is just a hate fact. America was not stolen from the Indians and it was not built on slavery. Europe and Britain were not built on colonization. We fought hard to be #1 and we won. All other cultures are not merely different than us. They are worse.
We have no respect for the institutions that rob us of our hard-earned wages. We don’t expect another man to handle our freedom and determine our destiny. We may not be anarchists but we always want the government brought down to the absolute minimum.
The Proud Boys Miami are against those that would divide America with hate. We denounce Nazis, bigots, anti-semitism, and other types of traditional stereotyping. The Media needs a boogeyman to keep viewership thus they push the lie demanded by democrats. If your a Nazi dont bother applying!
A Passage From Pat Buchanan’s The Death of the West!
“As fair-minded and mostly Christian folks, [we] concede that there is truth in the indictment of America’s past. Our fathers did participate in slavery. We did practice segregation. Our treatment of the Indians was not what one should have expected of people to whom the Sermon on the Mount was divine command. But, having internalized a guilt that gnaws at their souls, these Republicans, in their lifelong quest for absolution, are easy prey for confidence men like Jackson and Sharpton who run the Big Sting.”
“The truth? In the story of slavery and the slave trade, Western Man was among the many villains, but Western Man was also the only hero. For the West did not invent slavery, but it alone abolished slavery. Had it not been for the West, African rulers would still be trafficking in the flesh of their kinsmen. Slaves, after all, were the leading cash crop of the friends of Mansa Musa. In Mauritania and Sudan today, slavery has returned, to the deafening silence of intellectuals who have built careers on the moral shakedown of America and the West. America was a segregated society, but in no other nation do people enjoy greater freedom, opportunity, and prosperity than here in the United States.”
“The time for apologies is past. But if Middle America believes that capitulations and reparations will buy peace in our time, it deludes itself. If there were no more demands, the race racketeers would have to find a new line of work. But as long as the silent majority keeps acceding to their demands, they will keep on making them. Time to just say no.”