Proud Boys Voice of South Florida & Beyond!

Vice City Miami Proud Boys voice is heard by our blogging below to inform the world about our political beliefs, our stance in current events, and to inspire other independent PB Chapters such as ourselves to greatness. The media distorts the truth to benefit their WOKE ideology by misrepresenting brothers as the enemy. Please engage in the conversation below, but disrespectfulness will not be tolerated.

Disney’s Attack on FL School Children is so Gay!

Governor Ron DeSantis hit a home run this week by signing…

Welcome to the Vice City Miami Proud Boys’ Voice to America!

Why is the Left so scared of us??? So current events are…

Predator Disney + Public School Perverting Children Worldwide!

The skin has been pulled back and now the Normies and the MAGA Thot Mamas are rushing to protect their offspring from sexual indoctrination.