The Tale of Two Fraternities!



In the spirit of America, the Proud Boys stand vigilant, pushing back against those who would expose young minds to inappropriate content, whether through literature or public performances. Our commitment was evident in Florida, where our door-to-door campaigns for Donald Trump resulted in a landslide victory, often referred to as the “crimson tsunami,” particularly in South Florida.

However, our last four years has not been without its challenges, particularly in terms of leadership integrity. Enrique Tarrio, once at the helm, was disavowed by Vice City Miami Chapter after it was revealed he had been an informant for federal, state, and local law enforcement, assisting in prosecuting at least 12 individuals. This revelation came before and during his January 6 trial, where he admitted under oath to coordinating with Capitol Police, sharing private club business during three D.C. rallies, thus breaching the trust of the organization.


Currently, the Proud Boys are divided into:

1) Autonomous Chapters: These chapters operate independently, free from the hierarchical structures that once defined the group, emphasizing local governance and integrity.

2) National Chapters: This faction, criticized for adopting manipulative tactics akin to a dark empire from popular culture and the DNC, has been accused of power plays and division.

Tarrio’s actions, including his cooperation with law enforcement in various investigations over the years, led to a significant restructuring within the Proud Boys, highlighting the importance of trust and loyalty within our ranks. His history as a “prolific informer” has left a lasting impact on the group’s dynamics and the broader community’s perception of our organization. Due to his informing many brothers were incarcerated with years in sentencing only for being Proud Boys!


Despite the internal discord, the spirit of brotherhood among the Proud Boys burns brightly. Some chapters have coined themselves as “The Confederation of Autonomous Proud Boys,” dedicated to maintaining high moral standards and welcoming new members who share our commitment to honor and integrity. Vice City Miami believes in ……….. Proud Boys!

Recent events have seen contrasting reactions from the two factions. For instance, during the aftermath of an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, while the National faction advised members to stay home, fearing entrapment, the Autonomous chapters, particularly in Vice City Miami, took to the streets in open defiance and celebration of Trump’s 2nd chance.


As we look towards the future with Trump’s recent victory, it’s imperative to address the actions of some within the National faction, like certain Boomer leadership in Michigan, who have compromised the unity and security of our brotherhood. Their efforts to discredit and dox members need to be met with resistance, not support.

We, the Autonomous chapters, extend an open invitation to all Proud Boys. Here, you’ll find a community where there is no fear, no dictation from afar, only brotherhood, freedom, and adherence to our core tenets: no pedophiles, no child abusers, no wife beaters, no junkies, and no informants.

Join us where the legacy of the Proud Boys is not just preserved—it’s celebrated. Contact your nearest Autonomous chapter or visit to be part of a movement that champions American patriotism and brotherhood.

Stand with us, where the Proud Boys’ spirit is not just alive—it’s thriving.

How To Fight Back Cancellation Proud Boy Style!

If you have not seen or heard the American left’s false, characterization of the Proud Boys you must have been living in a cave hiding from the Taliban after sleepy Joe left you behind. Since the conception of the Proud Boys in 2016 the MSM, social media, the political left, and its supporters have been on a never-ending campaign to malign the Proud Boys encouraging corporations to “cancel” U.S. citizens for enjoying membership in a harmless men’s drinking club. This cancellation has led to certain PB members losing access to financial institutions, access to popular apps, and credit card process service that hurt its victims’ livelihood. When will anyone do anything about this?

The Founder of the Proud Boys, Gavin McInnis, ceased being the victim by taking a stand suing the Southern Poverty Law Center allegedly damaging his career by labeling him an “extremist” and “leader of a hate group” according to the Washington Times. The Times further reported that a lawsuit “Filed in Federal Court in Montgomery, Alabama, the 61-page complaint entered on behalf of Mr. McInnis accuses the SPLC, a civil rights watchdog group, of mounting a “campaign of destruction” against the right-wing media personality and provocateur over his involvement in the Proud Boys, a fraternal organization of self-described “western chauvinists” he launched in 2016.

“They have harassed me, my family and my friends to a level of tortious interference that goes well into sabotage,” Mr. McInnis, 48, said in a statement. “I am doing this, not just to protect my reputation and my family but to protect everyone else’s.” The lawsuit alleges defamation, tortious interference and other counts stemming from the SPLC’s reporting on Mr. McInnis and the Proud Boys, including the latter’s addition last year to the watchdog’s “Hate Map,” an online listing of hundreds of “active hate groups.”

In 2018, the SPLC was forced to pay out $3.4 million and issue an apology to British political activist Maajid Nawaz after they falsely listed him as an “anti-Muslim extremist” (Nawaz is a Muslim reformist who campaigns against extremism). Seems to be a liable pattern problem here.

According to McInnis, who currently hosts “Get Off My Lawn” on his streaming video service on Censored.TV, has explained that he feels that the trial against SPLC went quite well, but that the Judge over the case is supposed to release a judgment in the legal matter. According to McInnis the Judge has the case on his lap and he has been waiting months for an order. If the Judge rules in McInnis’ favor this will be a major upset against the left’s war on Conservatives but more important their diabolical campaign against the Proud Boys.

Gavin is the co-founder of VICE and he has some power, influence to accompany his wealth. He may not be Elon Musk but he seems to have some capital to fight back. What are the rest of us middleclass shlubs to do when a bank closes your account, social media cancels your access, and the yellow journalists start calling you racists, Nazis, and other false inflammatory names to harm your reputation solely because your political ideology is Constitutional? What are some things that a regular Patriot can do to fight back?

Start a Business:

I personally know of many Patriots who have lost their jobs due to green haired lefties making them toxic by excessively calling their jobs, harassing their employers, leaving bad online reviews until the employer loses all loyalty to the employee firing them because they don’t want the aggravation. One solution for most is to start your own business and become an entrepreneur or a subcontractor for your skill. If you don’t have a skill, check out technical schools or vocational schools with impressive student aid to make graduation within financial reach. Either you start out your very own business or you study toward being your own boss. This is one solution for those who have been targeted. Its not a one size fits all but many who want to be activists should consider this if they have not been cancelled because it is just a matter of time.

Break the Social Media Monopoly:

Just yesterday there was a big dump of accounts on Gettr social media who claims to be a beacon of First Amendment speech. On GETTR’s home page they bray by stating, “A brand new social media platform founded on the principles of free speech, independent thought and rejecting political censorship and “cancel culture”.” They violated this by canceling Vice City Miami Proud Boys public page and that of conservative MAGA rapper Playboy the Beast’s page. The man in charge of GETTR is nothing but a republican establishment hack who probably has NO idea Patriots have been canceled in his 1A paradise. I can assure you that many of those reading this post have been canceled online in one way or another whether its GETTR, Facebook or Instagram. Do you quit? Give up? How do you fight back?

Fight back by deciding not to operate in their sphere of influence and join alternative online communities like GAB or Clout Hub. I like GAB and the way the owner fights the cancel elites. Vice City has had their page on GAB without incident for more than a minute. is another friendly site as well as the lesser known and slower site. You can make another FB profile but once they find you out after building your profile back up is immediate cancel.

Aggressive Political Activism:

This one is simple but hardly gets acknowledged as much. We suggest that you join your local county Republican or Libertarian pollical group. Then see what events they have for you to volunteer and get involved. If your local political group has no events then YOU, yes you, must create events, promote it, and organize it. If only 5-people go to your first event that is not bad. Take those five’s contact info and delegate the next event’s responsibilities to them and watch the next event activities increase in participation.

If you find yourself in an organized group with high attendance volunteer and be a good worker bee. Don’t seek the spotlight! I always say if your work hard the cream rises to the top and the spotlight shall find you. One must first learn to be an Indian before they can become a chief. Work well with others and avoid the conflictive types that would divide a movement. United we stand and divided we fall. We must come together as one to push forward for the betterment of America.

Lastly, find a campaign for an American First candidate in your area like Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida. Work those phone banks, door knocking, and working where they tell you need to be. Many conservatives work their ass off to support those under their roofs. When you knock on their door or phone call them its rivers of sweet water to their dry political landscape. Encourage them and get them out to vote to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Miami Police Open Investigation Into Threat

This past Sunday morning an active Miami-Dade School Board mother of six had her life threatened. We are keeping her name private to prevent any potential copycat incidents from occurring. This mom had a life-threatening note attached to the front door of her home. This mother has been extremely active in the MAGA/Republican community especially advocating for parents in the Miami-Dade School Board Meetings. She attends all the meetings and speaks to the board publicly advocating AMERICA FIRST policies.

The Miami Communist organization Antifa aka “Miami Anti-Fash” have also been attending the public Miami-Dade school board meetings taking the names of those that publicly speak out against leftist policies affecting their children. They perform research and doxx these parents on Twitter and other forms of social media. They do this to intimidate parents to scare them from coming out against leftist policies. Many parents have been scared away from attending these “open to the public” school board meetings. Others ignore the fear fighting back to improve their children’s education by sharing their political opinions.

Actual Death Threat Note Left on Front Door!

Antifa Attacks School Moms

Vice City Miami Proud Boys (VCPB) whom have been active in South Florida since 2016 attend school board meetings after Antifa and teachers’ union type thugs threatened these moms. VCPB have escorted these moms to their vehicles providing security after the meetings that local law enforcement refuses to provide. Many fathers have also benefited from our security efforts. The rules of engagement are simple: get in-between the threat and the moms, try to defuse the situation peacefully with soft words, if threat of imminent bodily harm or death is perceived then VCPB will react accordingly.

Just recently, the U.S. Department of Justice commenced a nationwide investigation with the FBI into parents that speak publicly at their local school boards. This was at the behest of the largest public school teacher’s union’s request making local mothers and father suspected criminals simply for attending a government public meeting. It has been reported that the FBI have investigated many parents in-depth throughout the United States, but they do not investigate the crimes perpetrated on these school board moms like death threats or physically attacked as they walk to their cars from a school board meeting.

Cheap Excuse To Defend Board Members’ Socialist Policies!

School Moms Fight Back!

Many of these same Miami moms have been slapped with frivolous lawsuits and/or vexatiously false stalking injunctions to shut them up. These brave moms have fought back with one last week in Miami-Dade Circuit Court having an Antifa filed petition for injunction dissolved. The Miami-Dade Court docket legal memorandum stated that the Petitioner (Antifa) was trying to impose a temporary injunction on the Respondent (School Mom) for exercising her U.S. Constitutionally approved activity. The Judge agreed and dissolved the temporary injunction filed against the mom. The trial is scheduled for July 2022 to see if the posting of political speech online qualifies as stalking to obtain a permanent injunction.

This mother of six children has filed a police report prompting an investigation by the Miami Police Department regarding the death threat. Surrounding neighbors have been asked to review their security cameras to confirm the identity of the source of the death threat. MPD have some leads that they are currently following up on. The wrongdoer will be brought to justice and tried in court by a jury of their peers. May God have mercy on their soul.

Miami PB’s Have the School Parents’ Backs!

VCPB wonders what type of individual would threaten a single mother taking care of her six children for exercising her 1st amendment right of free speech. If it’s a male, then he is not a man, but merely a disappointment to what God had destined him to be in life. If it’s a woman, then she may have mental health issues or she is a wicked person with no regard for life. Either way please take note that VCPB are looking for you. We are not criminals thus we won’t take the law into our own hands. We will give the intel we collect to the school board mom to do what she wants with it even if its to go to MPD.

Vice City Proud Boys will continue to protect the school moms as long as we are needed. VCPB never starts violence, but if others independently chose to lay their hands on us then we will defend ourselves according to Florida Law. In other words…….Fuck Around Find OUT!

Join the Best Fraternity in the Western World!

Vice City Proud Boys are a men’s drinking club with a political problem. Established in 2016 in South Florida. A club that is independent of all other PB chapters governing its own belonging to no national structure. We are raising the standard in Miami to make better men. Former President Enrique Tarrio has been dishonorably removed and expelled from Vice City Proud Boys supported by all the chapters in the great State of Florida. It is not our intentions to overthrow the government but to involve ourselves in the political process to peacefully create change from within advocating America First policies!

Media Lies: We are NOT a militia, gang, racist, white supremist, or criminals. We are veterans, professionals, business owners, college students, blue collar workers, and proud fathers…UHURU!!!

What Proud Boys Stand For!



The high profile “Proud Boys’ Trial” has been delayed – again.

Although opposed by defendants Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl, and Charles Donohoe, Judge Timothy Kelly has ruled in favor of another motion to delay the previously set May 18 trial date. The other defendants, Enrique Tarrio and Dominic Pezzola, did not oppose the delay.

Two Bad ass MoFo’s

The Speedy Trial Act is a law passed in 1979 that guarantees a trial for a defendant with in one month, unless an exception is made for “good cause.” Even though the defendants in this case have been imprisoned for well over a year (with the exception of the recently added Tarrio), Judge Kelly decided that their rights were not being denied.

Federal Court Filed Document

Nordean’s legal team argued that any delay or further evidence gathering needs on behalf of the government prosecution could be mitigated by simply trying Tarrio separately. Judge Kelly rejected this argument. Legal experts have pointed out that waiting this long for any trial is highly unusual, and some have compared it to 3rd world justice standards. If the US government takes a similar amount of time to gather evidence relating to Tarrio’s addition to the case as they have with the still unfinished compiling of evidence against the other defendants, this case will have these men sitting in jail for years without being tried.

The US constitution makes specific mention of preventing just this situation, but it is unknown what grades Judge Kelly received in while studying constitutional law in law school.

Leftist protestors in recent years that have entered the government buildings with both stated intent and successful result of disrupting official proceedings, including the US Capital during the Justice Kavanagh appointment hearings, have almost universally had all charges dropped or were never arrested at all. Many elected officials openly supported them, both online, in person during the breach, and with massively profitable fundraisers.

Socialists Taking Over the U.S. Capital

Despite this, “Selective Prosecution” has not been a successful legal argument so far for January 6 defendants.

In unrelated news, a man who shot 14 people in a shopping mall in South Carolina yesterday was released from jail this week to await trial in his own home. His release conditions allow him to go to work and travel.

Disney’s Attack on FL School Children is so Gay!

Governor Ron DeSantis hit a home run this week by signing the Parental Rights in Education act, which bars classroom discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity for children in kindergarten through third grade. Proud Boys does NOT discriminate against sexual preferences, but almost all Gay Prod Boys concur that the minor children in the State of Florida must not be exposed to sexual orientation instruction until they are of the age of 18-years old. Until then we believe that it is the parental right to instruct the children when it comes to sexuality and preferences. Florida’s Parental Rights in Education act does NOT go far enough only protecting grades K-3 in schools.

Breitbart is reporting, “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Monday made it clear many leftists and activists are lying and “sloganeering” on the Parental Rights in Education act because they “don’t want to admit that they support a lot of the things we’re providing protections against.”

“We will continue to recognize in the state of Florida, parents have a fundamental role in the education, healthcare, and wellbeing of their children. We will not move from that,” DeSantis said on Monday, signing the Parental Rights in Education act, which bars classroom discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity for children in kindergarten through third grade.

DeSantis Rips Disney Don’t Say Gay Hypocrisy: They’d Endorse Ban on Teaching China’s Uyghur Genocide

“I don’t care what corporate media outlets say. I don’t care what Hollywood says. I don’t care what big corporations say. Here I stand. I’m not backing down,” DeSantis said to applause.

DeSantis also addressed the dishonest critics of the measure, who have falsely called it “Don’t Say Gay,” even though that is not found in the bill. Despite that, “Don’t Say Gay” has stood as a mantra for the left.

“These leftist politicians, corporate media outlets, some of these activist groups, they actually have read the bill, and they’re sloganeering because they don’t want to admit that they support a lot of the things we’re providing protections against,” DeSantis explained.

“For example, they support sexualizing kids in kindergarten. They support injecting woke gender ideology into second grade classrooms. They support enabling schools to ‘transition students’ to a ‘different gender’ without the knowledge of the parent, much less, with the parent’s consent,” he said.

“And so what they’re doing with these slogans and these narrative is they’re trying to camouflage their true intentions,” the governor added.

We commend here at Vice City Miami Proud Boys celebrate FL Gov. Ron DeSesantis in keeping the West is the Best in FL! UHURU!


Welcome to the Vice City Miami Proud Boys’ Voice to America!

Why is the Left so scared of us???

So current events are not going the way they should lately in the United States of America. After the biggest power grab by scaring citizens with Covid and shut downs we are seeing war time efforts control policy contrary to the U.S. Constitution. Gas prices were high prior to rumors of Putin invading Ukraine. The economy is quickly reaching a boiling point with Americans in financial troubles, but Congress authorizes billion of dollars to flow to Ukraine as America’s needs go ignored. The average citizen seems to be in shock depressed over the political forecast feeling nothing they can do will change the situation and its only going to get worse. The free media is oppressed by the gate keepers of information throwing misinformation ground fire in support of Biden’s doomed policy misrepresenting truth to the public on the Science, Bio Labs in Ukraine, and the senseless persecutions of those that attended the Stop the Steal Rally in Washington DC January 6, 2020.

Donald trump make famous the term FAKE NEWS by doxing the bad practices of the lame stream media righteously so. The biggest victim of yellow journalism has been the indoctrination that the Prof Boys are Racists, sexists, homophobes, and the rest of the woke laundry list that they fire off at individuals and groups that speak the truth that challenges their ideological stronghold. Proud Boys goes against the wokeness that has risen into a modern day brown shirt mob that refuses to engage in a debate of ideas but rather throw names and labels without backing up their illegitimate claims. They deny these conservative entities a platform to to express their ideas in the local town squares. Its as if the right is the truth serum to the sickness in America but the progressives are hellbent in keeping everyday citizens in bondage by denying them the truth.

It is for this reason the Vice City Miami Proud Boys have started their own platform to send out chapter press releases, state what we are about, and counter the media lies in this blog format. We may have a difference of opinion but when men sit down to discuss issues they arise with a better understanding of the other side’s arguments and the weakness, if any at all, in their own conservative arguments. As we start to blog we hope that you share our voice on your social media to get the message out. If your a Proud Boy outside of South Florida please share it in your chapter’s chat. Lets make America great again one blog at a time!

Predator Disney + Public School Perverting Children Worldwide!

Since our last installment Florida was hit with the revelation that a certain segment of our population are after our children to pervert them starting in kindergarten, they have lied on a protection bill signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis, and a Disney employees’ child sex trafficking ring exposed abusing children. For someone traveling intergalactic lengths arriving at Earth they would be, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!” The skin has been pulled back and now the Normies and the MAGA Thot Mamas are rushing to protect their offspring from sexual indoctrination. So maybe your Rumplestiltskin ass just woke under a mango tree in Hialeah scratching your noggin wonder WTF? catch up on the video below and then underneath we will pick it up for PROUD COMMENTARY!

Breitbart News is reporting that, Disney+, Hulu, ESPN, Pixar, and Disney Parks are protesting anti-grooming laws amid Walt Disney Co. employees at corporate locations across the U.S. walking out of their offices in attempt to force the company to fight Don’t-Groom-Kids laws, such as the Florida bill that restricts the teaching of sexuality and transgenderism to kids in kindergarten through third grade.

“Disney+ stands by our LGBTQIA+ employees, colleagues, families, storytellers, and fans, and we strongly denounce all legislation that infringes on the basic human rights of people in the LGBTQIA+ community — especially legislation that targets and harms young people and their families,” Disney+ said in a statement on Tuesday. “We strive to create a service that reflects the world in which we live, and our hope is to be a source for inclusive, empowering, and authentic stories that unite us in our shared humanity,” Disney+ added.

“Today and every day, we Hulugans are united against all legislation that infringes on the basic human rights of the LGBTQIA+ community,” Hulu tweeted at the exact same time as Disney+ on Tuesday. “We stand with our LGBTQIA+ colleagues, storytellers, families, friends, and fans who are targeted by laws that marginalize and diminish their identities and lives,” Hulu added. “We remain committed to telling inclusive stories that unite us and celebrate the diverse LGBTQIA+ community.” “All of us at Pixar stand with our LGBTQIA+ colleagues, friends, families, and fans around the world who are targeted by laws that marginalize and diminish their identities and lives,” Pixar echoed.

Make Your Family PROUD!

What does this mean for the average Mom & Dad that wants to raise their child trying to keep their innocence for as long as possible? It means if you leave your children in the public schools your child is fucked! If your not careful they may literally be fucked by some dude dressed as a thot! What are you to do to keep your kiddies out of the hands of the kid fucker academia trained perverts? First, get them out of public school and start homeschooling your children. Its easier than you think. Many don’t want to do it because they are a bunch of self-indulgence selfish individuals that prefer self gratification over the well being of their children. There are homeschooling associations that can show you how easy it is to self teach your children. There is power in numbers so group up with other homeschooling parents so your kids can feed off of them, socialize with nerdy kids that will make a lot of $$$ in the future, and show your children how much you love them by making them scholastically self reliant while you protect them from the LSDBQT+ wolves that will change your kids in 1/2 a school year. Dont let your kids get devoured and changed into a sexual identity your not good with. Your child is worth fighting for!

Hollywood, Disney, and bad actor Ron Pearlman have been sharpening their knives to sexually devour your children because they have been brainwashed by the drinking the Kool aide or they have been bought & paid for to look the other way as the kid fuckers in America do what they want with no accountability. We all know that common sense and decency states to leave the children alone when it comes to sexuality. Just watch caveman Ron Pearlman spew sexual policy idiocy revealing how far he will go to score another Hollywood gig.

So you’re probably wondering what all the fuss is about a bill protecting kids is about? There must be something in it that is bad for the left to freak out the way they did! HERE is the link to read the bill!

Another way to fight back against this demonic wave of sexual person is to pull your children out of public school and place them in private school. Be careful, there are many woke private schools out there where you have no say in the school curriculum. Some private and Catholic school have been overrun by the pedo mob just drooling to get their grubby hands on your child. You must first do research on the school your considering. Dont knee jerk and your child is out of the frying pan then into the fire. The safest bet is to find a Christian school that will teach right from wrong. Have you kid sit in on the classes for 2-3 days before you drop the serious cash for private tuition.

Another thing you can do is get red-pilled, get activated to join the movement against the kid fuckers. Mom’s For Liberty in Miami is one organization pushing back on the pedo school push. Their voices is loud thus your needed to join the grassroots movement like Mom’s For Liberty who are basically school Moms protecting their kids. Now we know that Moms in other Florida Counties read our pages and are active. Go to your school Board meetings and people will walk up to you wondering who you are. Find the America First crowd and fight with them but stay away from the drama and the infighting until you figure who the players are. So get out there and fight!

Disney is Grooming Your Children?!